AVEVA Reports for Operations 2020 R2

Class Information

Length: 3 days
Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Cost: $2,400.00/person

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The AVEVA™ Reports for Operations 2020 R2 Course is a 3-day, virtual instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the features and functionality of the AVEVA Reports for Operations software. The course provides lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs to supply and reinforce the knowledge necessary to design and generate reports with AVEVA Reports for Operations.


Knowledge of the following tools, features, and technologies is required:

General Knowledge:
Industrial automation software concepts

From the AVEVA™ Application Server software product:
Application Server Galaxy

From the AVEVA™ Historian Server software product:
Process and alarm historical data

Target Audience

Individuals who need to design and generate reports using AVEVA Reports for Operations software.


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

Create and configure a Project

Connect to System Platform data sources to use as data for reports

Use the Web Portal to access and generate reports

Export report elements to Microsoft Excel

Implement security for reporting projects

Configure and run reports that include the following features:


Single value displays
Statistical elements
Tables and Charts
Batch reporting
Alarms reports and analysis
Dynamic web elements

Course Outline

Module 1Introduction
Section 1Course Introduction
Section 2AVEVA Reports for Operations Overview
Section 3System Requirements and Licensing

Module 2Projects and Project Settings
Section 1Project Creation

Module 3Reports and Report Settings
Section 1Page and Report Templates

Module 4Basic Report Elements
Section 1Report Elements
Section 2Defined Time Periods
Section 3Advanced SQL Conditions

Module 5Table and Chart Elements
Section 1Table Elements
Section 2Chart and Graph Elements

Module 6Batch Reports
Section 1Batch Parameters

Module 7Alarm Reporting
Section 1Configure and Report Alarms

Module 8Web Functionality
Section 1Web Elements and Web-Enabled Reports
Section 2Web Portal Features

Module 9Project Security and User Management
Section 1Project Security and User Management

Appendix AAdditional Retrieval Options for Queries
Section 1Excel Format Report Settings

Earn 24 CEU credits!

AVEVA Select California is an Approved Continuing Education Provider for the California Department of Public Health and the California Water Environment Association.

CDPH Certification Instructions | CWEA Certification Instructions

More Information

For specific questions, contact us at sales@california.avevaselect.com or directly at (866) 966-3376.